Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Mini Stress Of Fine Ants

It is no secret that I hold all local politicians in high contempt, but the mouthings of  our current  finance minister have from day one of her tenure put her at the top of my list. 

Along such lines I am here to tell you that some fed up person wrote to and was published in today's local media expressing his or her amazement at the "brazenness with which the Finance Minister tries to pull the wool over the citizen's eyes", in reference to that person's rationale in stating that the CLF meltdown has nothing to do with the global one.

I couldn't agree with the writer more. I too am fed up, and I don't understand. You see, I'm told by some who have known the person referred to of the qualities and the academic achievements and the potential which they saw; and comparing that to what I see and hear is cocoa and zabrico. 

I view the person as a subservient servant of her boss the PM, who has had words put into her mouth concerning a subject of which she displays little knowledge and certainly no experience, and who does not seem to realize just how synchophantic she comes across. Something is wrong.

Which brings me to the question: when one goes to work for a people or a company or an army, can the policies of the leader be sustained ultimately? Or, more to the point, when the question of obey the boss or do the right thing arises, how should one choose? Is blind allegiance an option? Remember Nazi Germany?

Anybody who knows me knows my answer to such a question. 

As for those I talked to who knew her, I wonder what their current opinion of the mini stress of fine ants is.